The Inn at Little Washington (***) – January 2023

by iAnonymous281


  1. Got the opportunity to go to The Inn at Little Washington for the first time and try the tasting menu and it met my high expectations. Some notable dishes are included but the full meal is [here]( The food was great and I loved how parts of the meal told a story about Little Washington. The staff provided great service and I didn’t have to pay for any of the upgrades to the dishes which was a plus for me. Got to meet Chef O’Connell afterwards and see the kitchen which was definitely a plus.

    The Inn is out of the way but it’s definitely worth making the trip to even if it is just for dinner. I will say you might find the meal to be too classic or boring if you don’t like spots such as The French Laundry, Le Bernardin, Lasarte, etc but those are the spots that rank high for me so I absolutely loved this

  2. Never been disappointed with a meal here. Chef Patrick, even if he’s not in the kitchen all the time anymore, is a legend in the culinary world and his hospitality is boundless.

  3. I may be going there next month- it’s great to see what kind of quality I can be expecting!

  4. Pawpaw in January… Do they collect and freeze a year’s worth of supply during the two weeks that pawpaws are ripe?

  5. Can you mix between the veggie and regular menu or do you have to commit to one or the other. I keep thinking of making a reservation just to splurge on a single dining experience like that. But then I think I sounds just commit and get a room and the Inn for a night as well. And then I see the numbers and feel guilty.

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