Ahh shoot.

I’ve been vegetarian for a year. Been trying really hard. Started on another health kick, losing a bit of weight and paying attention to nutrition.
Enjoyed this Aldi mousse this morning with some raspberries. Then checked what was actually in it.

Damn. Beef gelatine.
Feel a bit nauseous now. Stupid of me not to know that’s how mousse sets and stupid of me for not taking my glasses with me to go shopping. Would never be able to read that list. Sometimes struggle to even find the vegetarian label on things. Lesson learned.

by hadleyshouse


  1. As a long time vegetarian, always read the labels of products that are new to you before purchasing them. It’s surprising how many items contain meat byproducts of some sort.

    You can substitute gelatin for a vegetarian version with agar agar.

  2. fractalfrog on

    Ummmm… don’t eat processed foods if you are serious about healthy eating.

  3. CappucinoCupcake on

    I also learned the hard way to read ingredients before eating a mousse (Gu chocolate desserts, I am glaring at you). It happens, don’t beat yourself up over it – you’re still vegetarian!

  4. Most chocolate and other mousse desserts contain gelatine. This is really common. Always check the labels on them.

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