Full disclosure – I did a detailed write up and then accidentally closed reddit without posting, so that detailed write up belongs to the ether now. This is the TL;DR version.

Did the tasting menu (basic version) with basic wine pairing last night. Main difference between the basic and the upgraded appeared to be wagyu, lobster and a souffle dessert situation with the upgraded that did not come with the basic, and rarer/more varieties of wine. I was only a little sad I didn't get to try the souffle. Wines were great, had an excellent Malbec and a really interesting Lebanese wine. Because we ordered cocktails, they moved our champagne to follow dessert. Got to leisurely enjoy the champagne in the bar/lounge after dinner, and Chef Kitchin greeted all the tables and did some QC in the kitchen during dinner (and took a 10 year old aspiring chef back to the kitchen to see it in action).

Everything was delicious, but the amuse bouche – a gazpacho, and the Orkney scallops cooked in the shell were the stand outs. It's definitely more of a classic Michelin fine dining experience, but wasn't overly stuffy. Service was great and it was clear that the kitchen runs like a well-oiled machine (you could watch a bit through the windows). Overall, would definitely go back, and would drink a tureen of the sauce with the scallops if that were an option. Does a beautiful job of showcasing local Scottish ingredients. Not avant-garde in presentation or preparation, but very classic, well executed preparations that were balanced in flavor and let each ingredient shine. Also the best beet preparation I've ever had (as an avowed beet-hater), and really wonderfully meaty mushroom preparations.

by PorklesIsSnortastic


  1. OscarChops12 on

    Have been before and mostly enjoyed the food and restaurant and the service has been good. Unfortunately I had my main arrive basically cold although the restaurant fixed it, comped us drinks and didn’t charge for the course.

    My biggest gripe with the place (learnt after we visited) is that Tom Kitchin is an arsehole and a bully and so is his second in command.

  2. Always think the food looks good but just know the chef is an absolutely raging prick so I’ll never go.

  3. Monkeytennis01 on

    Been there twice. First time no complaints, but second time the waitress spilt an entire glass of water over my wife’s dress and they didn’t really make amends. I thought that the food was fairly average as well, more style over substance. The scallop baked in the shell was memorable though.

    Had much nicer experiences overall at Martin Wishart restaurant in Leith and Number One at the Balmoral hotel in Edinburgh city centre.

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