Best meal of my life…

I can’t even describe how fresh everything was, they’re very proud of their garden and cheese suppliers which makes sense. All meats and fish dishes were so tender and perfectly cooked. This restaurants is great at cooking vegetables as well. I can’t believe the flavor that came out of all the plants. Every dish was amazing and they all stood out to me.

I did the highest amount of courses possible. You get to choose between 3,4,or 5 courses. You also are asked if you would like surprise courses. I did the 5 courses with the 2 surprises and it was definitely worth it. They serve so many dishes before, in between, and after courses. Amuse bouches and petit fours were amazing. I couldn’t name a favorite dish, they were all so memorable.

Co owner and head chef came to meet us and chat a bit, they also gave us a tour of the garden which was very nice. Art work was given to us that represented each dish as well, we kept it in a cool envelope-ish thing. In there is the menu for the day and seeds we can grow at home which was awesome.

The town is very quiet and nice, super small as well. We enjoyed the terrace a lot where they sat us for the amuse bouches. They later took us to the dining rooms for our main courses.

I see why this restaurant was awarded the green star and is always on the W50 best list. This was amazing.

by Vast_Tip8225


  1. Looks amazing. Did you take a wine pairing? If so what was it like? Any swiss wine on there?

  2. sakuratanoshiii on

    Every single dish looks so artistic and delicious! I love the way they gave you a tour of their garden and gifted you seeds to take home.

  3. Glad you liked it! How did your mom fare? Did she get all 5 courses as well?

    Totally agree with you, it’s hard to name favorites because everything was really high quality. I always appreciate restaurants that give interesting menus/take home items, and love all the artwork from Schauenstein. The only place I’ve been recently that compares in that regard is DiverXO (lots of very cool take home art/menu items there too). We also met both Andreas Caminada and Marcel Skibba, was very nice to chat with them and see them active/interacting with guests during service.

    Schauenstein really fits the bill of a 3 star in that it’s worth a special journey. You can’t just happen upon it, you have to really go out of your way to get there, but once you’re there the entire experience is next to perfect.

  4. Friendship with cheese cart ended. Now CHEESE GRID is my best friend.

    Also, haven’t seen a charcuterie selection with cheese in a tasting menu before, let alone fruit and vegetables. In fact 6 out of 20 of your pictures are the cheese, that’s quite something.

    I had a green dressed salad served with my cheese selection at Pavyllon; the waiter claimed that this was just done that way in Bordeaux.

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