Essential reading for vegetarians

by THICCJeeves


  1. Gone_Rucking on

    Had I not eaten meat while younger I would have starved and been malnourished. I grew up in rural poverty within my primarily indigenous community. Surviving off of government commodity foods and what we could grow, raise, hunt and fish ourselves. I don’t anymore because I have made it to an economic level that makes it no longer necessary, but it was still a valid reason at that point.

    My wife suffers from autoimmune issues. She doesn’t eat meat for ethical & spiritual reasons but she also has simply never liked meat. But eating meat never gave her issues when she did. While the research is still young on more meat-heavy diets for people with autoimmune conditions it seems to suggest at this point that it can improve quality of life for many (not for normal people though obviously, for whom “carnivore” diets are ridiculous). She still chooses not to do that even though we know at least anecdotally that eating more meat would make her personally feel better to a significant degree. I respect her decision to suffer but wouldn’t hold it against another person who chose the opposite in the same situation.

    The situations which might reasonably justify eating meat are small, but that doesn’t mean they don’t exist. And I don’t see how a facetious book like this will help much with anything.

  2. Aromatic_Note8944 on

    I cook vegetarian meals every day. Multiple ethnic dishes, I’ve never had a problem with finding something delicious to cook. I just made homemade garlic naan and potato curry last night💜

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