where french flavors meets japanese precision

amuse bouche was an aged cheese filled crumby yet crisp biscuit that melts the moment it enters your mouth

next bite was an ebi (shrimp) tart topped with kristal caviar…soft, creamy, and so fresh

a fine dining experience is not complete with just caviar…you've got to have the foie gras too. and at sezanne, you get a slab of it centered with poached chicken and surrounded by a soy sauce emulsion

it was also during this meal did i discover that snapper is not simply just red…this is kinmedai or golden eye snapper accompanied by fresh zucchini flowers in a delicious and rich shrimp head sauce

the green dish was a stew of peas and i personally did not enjoy this 🙁

HOWEVER, all that disappointment was forgotten when the scallop dish arrived. The best course from all!

Although the last course was a tender and perfectly glazed roast duck…it was a sensory overload in the best way possible. Amazing how just duck skin could hold such deep yet clean flavors.

Last was a mango dish topped with cream chantily or shortbread. I'm from the philippines and this mango was not…i think my country has the best mangoes still but THIS dessert was delightfully surprising 🙂

Thank you daniel calvert for this memorable tokyo experience!

by Adventurous-Bag-1909

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