[Homemade] The GF left me alone for two weeks. So I made all my favourite meals that she won’t eat, mostly.

by underbellybrew


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  2. Looks scrumptious! That curry and the bbq roast are calling to me in particular, and I want to try that pizza dough omg

    I am curious about *Tasting History*! My fiancé’s birthday is coming up and I was about to buy it for him. You like? Is it worth it?

  3. reddit_and_forget_um on

    This is how you do it bud!

    None of this “my girls out of town so its nothing but taco bell takeout and plain white bread” crap.

  4. jonnycooksomething on

    Everything looks great. I do the same when my wife travels. She has many food allergies and just general dislikes so I cook all my favorites when she’s away. While she’s here I cook to her taste and needs which is also ok because it keeps me healthier anyway!

  5. And here I am thinking what BS fast food I’m going to get when my GF is gone for two weeks coming up.

  6. Looks amazing. I do the same when my wife travels for work except I order all of it 😂🤙🏼

  7. redceramicfrypan on

    All of this looks delicious. That said, I am a little concerned about the fact that vegetables seem to be exclusively sides and garnishes.

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