Mentioned in my previous post Saison is the second Michelin restaurant I've ever been to, having gone to Benu the previous night. Got both of the extras, the uni toast and wagyu, and split the wine pairing with my guest. I probably tried more wine this night than I've had in my life before this, so although I don't know much about wine, having the beverage pairings was great and would definitely do it again. Splitting the wine was also perfect, I think I would have been uncomfortably drunk if I had the whole pairing to myself.

The teas and broths throughout the night were incredible and definitely some of the highlights of the meal. Particularly the crab broth was amazing. Missed taking a photo of our favorite dish of the night which was the lamb with blueberries (seems to be a pattern with me missing important pictures lol). The crab dishes were also incredible and tasted amazing, I think just the novelty of the lamb dish for our pallettes really pushed it for us.

I'm not sure why but the uni toast was actually a bit of a letdown for me. I generally like uni, perhaps just hearing so much about the dish researching the restaurant killed it for me.

Everything was great and would visit again. Since someone else asked though, I would give Benu the edge between the two. But they're such different experiences it is kinda hard to compare.

by TheGrandData

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