Salmon with pea and beans vegetable pottage. Inspired by medieval lower class cuisine. It positively slapped. Very hearty and flavorful.

by TotalyOriginalUser


  1. TotalyOriginalUser on

    Pan seared salmon on a pottage made from chicken stock, onion, carrot, celery, oyster mushrooms, red kidney beans and peas. Flavored with garlic, apple cider vinegar, caraway, long pepper (kindof fancy for a peasant food but whatever), thyme and ginger. Also what medieval food would it be without a fat blob of butter. Also some cheese on top. Serve with bread (peasants would have dark bread but I had white so I went with that). Some dried apricots as desert.

    Fun fact: Salmon used to be poor people food. It was abundant and peasants were allowed to fish in rivers.

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