1. MapProfessional8610 on

    For July I lost about 10 pounds (3.5kgs) total, averaging a defficit of 1,100 calories a day with about 22.5 hours of total exercise time. Diet has been fairly consistent, but 1-2 times a week I will get a to-go box from a local buffet and just eat that for the day, so it’s surprising to me I have maintained such a large deficit. Several days that have very low/no calorie count are ‘cheat’/maintanence days, but for the most part I really haven’t ‘pigged ‘out on them. My staple food recently has been a ready to cook steak (Gary’s Quick Steak) sandwich with cheese(Kraft), vegetables, and a low calorie/high fiber/high protein bread(Lewis Healthy Life) to accompany it.

    Edit: Additional note, I work first shift, but most of my food consumption is after 12 so my meals tend to be rather large and filling.

  2. Yay 🌟🌟🌟🌟 you’re doing great! I use the same app and I love it. To me, it seems like you’re having a good and healthy distribution of calories. Congratulations on doing so well!

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