So many pics of pretty cut vegetables here! I unfortunately, for the most part, really hate biting into most vegetables with very few exceptions.

I've been up and down on my weight over the past few years and I know how to count calories. It worked just fine to lose weight initially, but the "diet" mindset is not for me. At least long-term forever.

I really want to go to my next physical and be proud of my blood draw. I want to focus on my cholesterol levels as well more than the number that I see on the scale every day.

As an Asian I have replaced rice for the most part with what you see in the pic, which is lentil soup. Learned how to make a basic one and then partially blended a crap ton of vegetables I wouldn't have eaten nearly enough of otherwise.

Except for the obvious of lentils, what's inside is also:

  • Potatoes
  • Carrots
  • Onions
  • Tomatoes
  • Bokchoy (most lentil recipes I saw use celery, I prefer bokchoy)
  • Spinach
  • Kale
  • Garlic
  • Broccoli

The best part is you can totally add more to this list if you want! Sometimes I bought vegetables and let them sit for a bit too long because I got anxious telling myself to eat them and this has been a great solution to that issue.

This past month I have lost 7.5lbs with just walking every other day. My energy levels have been so much better as well!

My apologies for not really having a calorie amount for this soup, but I try not to think about the calories in my veggies. I don't really need more than 2-3tbsp of olive oil to parcook some of the vegetables. I do use about 5tsp of chicken bouillon for chicken stock, which is less than 100calories.

by omgbooboo


  1. thelubbershole on

    Doesn’t look like puke, just looks like dahl!

    Lentils rule, bok choi rules, all the other ingredients rule. I’d eat this every day.

  2. Same here but I just made a pot of navy and lima beans. I thought I would never make lima beans ever. Sauteed onions and garlic and rosemary then put it all in a instapot with a chx bouillon and some liquid smoke. Totally outdid myself.

  3. Celestial__Bear on

    That is a hell of a power soup! Congratulations on your almost eight pounds. You’re awesome.

  4. I make a minestrone type of soup that is like this; just a good mix of all the different type of veggies I would need for the week. It’s really helpful for veg intake.

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