The picture of the food is with normal thickness toast and 1.5 tablespoons of hummus, but besides that discrepancy it's the exact same as the MyFitnessPal ingredients. I forgot to take a photo of the thin bread variant, but figured I'd use this photo to give you an idea of how it looks.

Here's how I did it:

  • Toast bread halfway

  • Put 1-2tbsp of garlic hummus on top

  • Air fry at 390 for a couple minutes and finish toasting the bread + hummus

  • Take out and then add medium salsa

I don't know why I like it so much, but I do. If anyone has any fun ideas on how to make it better (Canadian ingredients, hard to find a lot of what yall have in the US breadwise and in regards to ingredients) let me know. And if you try it or have done something similar lmk what you think

by Burssty

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