I just love it so much. If someone said I can never have ice cream again but I could have cottage cheese I'd be OK with it. It's like someone crumbled the softest, lightest mozzarella, coated it in the purest cream plug from whole milk, and said "it's good for you." I love it I love it I love it. I love it so much. I love it.

by Indianaunderwood


  1. foreverautumn666 on

    It’s very delicious. Probably one of my favorite things at home. I add lemon pepper, onion, maybe tomato/cucumber and put it on black bread.

  2. No-Eggplant-9024 on

    I like to add a spoonful of fig preserves to my cottage cheese. Soooooo good!

  3. Tell me your favorites. I love cottage cheese and always looking for other varieties. Surprisingly Aldi’s 4% for the price is my go to right now

  4. Food of the Gods. I could eat it all day. I think I have a problem. Why is it so good!

  5. FredHerberts_Plant on

    Just wait until you taste a cheese called Burrata 🤤

    I’m literally salivating right now, thinking about it: a slightly creamier cottage cheese called stracciatella, wrapped up in a thin layer of buffalo mozzarella, soaking in a slightly salty brine

    It’s just heavenly

  6. People think I’m strange, but I like it with salted peanuts and ground black pepper. Sometimes a shake of onion powder, too

  7. Due-Assistance-2048 on

    I’m so done with everyone making fun of me for loving it it’s my fav snack

  8. Cottage Cheese pancakes are also spectacular…Google it. There are a few recipes out there

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