I really don't wanna throw them away

by Dankzei


  1. I can’t say whether they’re safe to consume or not, however, personally, I would crack them open and consume.

  2. Illustrious-Divide95 on

    These are fine.

    Hard cheeses were literally made for conservation over centuries. Even uncovered for a day or two or more they would be fine

  3. Embarrassed_Trade132 on

    If anything, they’re probably just more delicious now!

    Cheese is hardy. A lot of people worry far too much.

  4. They will be fine. Hard cheeses are some of the most spoil-proof foods you can get. As long as you don’t see or smell funky molds, then it’s almost certainly fine

  5. It is fine, they are still good. Try some AOP if you can, it can make a huge difference.

  6. I think they’re probably not fine. You can send them to me so I can safely dispose of them.

  7. I carry a block of hard cheese & piece of dry salami on week long backpacking trips. They do just fine. The cheese gets a bit oily and it softens, but I’ve never had problems from those things

  8. If you hadn’t left them vac packed then it would have dried out but still been safe, but vac packed like that totally fine

  9. I can remember who said it, but it was once said “You could leave parmesan on a hot tin roof in Nigeria and it would be fine.”

  10. Intrepid-Scarcity486 on

    I’d leave a block of this in my pocket for 2 weeks and open up and eat without blinking

  11. EastOfArcheron on

    During the great fire of London (1666) the noted diarist Samuel Peyps buried his Parmesan in his garden before he fled London. Knowing it would be safe until he returned.

    I think your cheese will be fine.

  12. Listen up everyone. Cheese , yogurt , kefir were all developed BEFORE refrigeration. In fact they’ve continued to exist precisely because they don’t need refrigeration.

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