I overate by quite a bit yesterday- in addition to PMSing like crazy I had a terrible relationship fight, a day off work, and fell off my plan completely. I skipped my morning workout, had three high cal seltzers for lunch, a blue cheese stuffed burger patty as a snack and made myself fondue for dinner. By dinner I knew I was going to be over budget, so I tried to mitigate it with a small baguette, a few slices of prosciutto, and mostly broccoli and carrots to dip, but the cheese was so expensive (and delicious) I didn’t want to waste it or stop eating.

I had a sweet tooth and had some chocolate after as well. The combination of a calorie dense food/ drink plus no exercise meant my TDEE (measured by Apple Watch) didn’t meet my goal, so I was over my budget by almost 1000 calories. Since my daily budget is 1200 and I’m only doing a low intensity workout today, will fasting (water and plain herbal tea) put me back on track? I don’t want to yo-yo my metabolism, but I’m not hungry today anyway (it may partially be the guilt) and I had lots of energy for my workout this morning. My job is mildly active this evening, but nothing strenuous.

by floralcranium

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