1. **For Chicken:**

    ^(2x Chicken Breast)

    ^(1x Mango (Prefer Standard))

    ^(1x Can Coconut Milk)

    ^(4x Clove Garlic (Minced))

    ^(0.5x Bunch Cilantro)

    ^(1x Lime)

    ^(1x Pinch Cayenne Pepper)

    ^(2x Pinch Black Pepper)

    ^(1x Splash Soy Sauce)

    ^(1x Splash Shoyu)

    ^(1x Splash Olive Oil)

    **Chicken Directions:**

    Dice chicken into whatever size that mango will be

    Marinate together with lime, cayenne, black pepper, soy sauce, shoyu (At least 15min)

    Oil in hot pan and cook up that garlic until it’s nice and soft (poke it with something if you can’t tell)

    Turn down heat to medium

    Empty the chicken marinade mix into the pan and mix it around every so often to cook evenly

    While chicken is cooking on medium heat, cut up the mango into similar-sized pieces as the chicken.

    Personally I find cutting up mango to be a pain (I’m just bad at it) so don’t feel bad if it’s not pretty or uniform shapes.

    Just do your ‘good enough’est to get the fruit into the hot pan with the chicken so it can cook and sweeten up

    By the time you’re done with that the chicken should be pretty well cooked, so turn down the heat to simmer-temps

    Pour in coconut milk, simmer mixture on low heat to allow the mango to cook down and chicken to finish fully cooking.

    I tend to leave the pan barely simmering for ~10 minutes or so while I get dishes together

    Transfer to another container to cool and store leftovers.

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