Two months of hang drying. I used the zip tie method and the roll came undone a bit while taking them off. One weird thing, I covered these in bactoferm mold 600 and got almost no mold. I believe it’s because I slathered the bellies in white whine before rolling which maybe killed the mold I put on after? Anyways tastes great! I still have two more hang drying, one cotto and one crudo.

by Rocky-mountain


  1. Hi /u/Rocky-mountain if you are posting an image don’t forget to include a description in the comments or your post may be removed.

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  2. Do you eat this as is? I’ve only ever eaten pancetta fried, with pasta or vegetables, or in a sauce. This and guanciale I have never eaten without cooking it but I know people do.

  3. So thinner slices and wrap around a wedge of redicio . You will need to hold them with tooth picks.
    Then grill until crispy. Drizzle with balsamic vinaigrette

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