Whipped Ube Ganache with Coconut Yema Filling, Brown Butter Feuilletine, Mango Coulis, Ube Tuile, and Oxalis

by joross31


  1. For this dessert, I used several flavors I found common in Filipino desserts – ube, coconut, and mango. I added an ube extract to a white chocolate whipped ganache and filled with with yema – a Filipino egg and condensed milk based sweet. Rather than use plain condensed milk, I cooked down coconut milk for this variation. I ended up making an ube tuile with brown butter and used the same tuiles to make feuilletine, which I coated in white chocolate and used on the bottom of the ube and yema dome for textural contrast. To help balance all the sweet, I used a mango coulis and a few oxalis leaves and flowers for a bit of a sour punch.

  2. WinifredZachery on

    Wow, this looks perfect. The colors are amazing and the composition of flavors sounds delicious.

  3. The effort that you put into this. 🫡

    The flavors that you mentioned, it’s sweet and tangy and fruity. How do you eat this thing? 🤤

  4. This looks incredible, chef.

    My only suggestion would be to serve this in a different bowl, because the one you used doesn’t do your work justice at all…

  5. Cant_Feel_My_Legs on

    I just woke up and read the last ingredient as “oxtail” and was **very** confused.

  6. Absolutely stunning. By the description it seems to be as delectable as it is beautiful. You should be very proud of what you created.

  7. Do you have a recipe for the feuilletine? Also, do u have a cross section shot? Would love to see what the inside looks like.

  8. Forward_Past3197 on

    Exceptional, colours are amazing, beautiful presentation and a lot of interesting flavours.

  9. maybejustadragon on

    Not saying it is. I repeat not saying it is. But this looks like AI. It’s making me realize how the Ai gaslighting has begun.

    But the fact it looks unreal is a compliment.

    Amazeball plating.

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