1. Depends on you. For me personally, croissants don’t keep me full long enough to make the 260 calories worth it, and anything I would add to it to make it more filling would be better off on something less dense. I know people who this is not true for though, who these fill up for a long time. So it depends 🙂

  2. My personal policy is if I’m going to spurge calorie wise I’d rather have a really nice fresh croissant from a local cafe / bakery for 500-600 calories ONCE than have a whole box of mediocre grocery store croissants tempting me the whole week which will add up to much more calories once the box is gone. Same goes for ice cream etc. If I’m having a craving I’d rather go get a single cone to satisfy the craving than buy a whole pint that’s gonna be there everytime i crave something sweet

  3. Ok-Relative310 on

    No, a bakery croissant tastes so much better at around 250-375cal. Don’t bother buying these cause they’re not as good and you’ll just be tempted to snack on them. Treat yourself to a delicious flaky croissant with a hot coffee when you’re reallly feeling it 💕

  4. I’d make a cheese ham and tomato croissandwich, toasted, then have a nice salad. I give myself between 1250-1450 throughout the week. I found that I don’t have to give up on my favs, just have to be smart with them! I balance my high calorie, low volume foods (burgers, fries, pizza, croissants, etc.,) with low calorie, high volume foods, (veggies, some fruits, etc.,) I found that this way, the change isn’t so dramatic, it’s healthier, keeps me full, which helps me keep up with this for long term.

  5. No. Only if you’re at a boulangerie in France!!!

    I just purchased the Hero brand croissants online. 170 calories and 10g of protein. We’ll see if they are any good!

  6. That is entirely up to you to decide.

    Allocate those calories to your needs. If your mind needs a croissant and you can fit it in, that’s fine.

    Personally, I’d think these croissants specifically are neither worth the money, nor the calories.

  7. I think you could get a more filling sandwich on higher grain bread for the same calories. A turkey with avocado, perhaps?

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