Hi all! I’m mobile so apologies for any weird formatting.
I am preparing a meal and noticed a huge calorie difference than what I’m used to for a block of tofu

I usually purchase a firm tofu block (Azumaya brand) and I quickly calculate it at 350 calories for 70 calories x 5 servings (I don’t weigh it, I could but prefer the easy math since I eat the whole block)
For this brand, I end up pressing it in a tofu press to take out the extra water before cooking it.

To skip the pressing step, this last time I purchased “super firm” tofu (Nasoya brand) and noticed it’s 130 calories x 5 servings so a total of 650 calories for the block.

I understand that the super firm Nasoya block will have less water and weigh more than a pressed Azumaya block but for 300 calories more?! Seems really excessive especially since the tofu block itself isn’t that much bigger than a pressed one I do at home.

Thank you all in advance!

by CoolandEdgy

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