Stir fry Veggies
– steamed the corn and beans. Rest added in this order – 1 TSP oil, ginger, garlic and white part of the green onions. Then carrots + half a red onion (same size as carrots), then soaked soy nuggets (tvp), mushrooms, beans and corn.

  • Rigourous stiring in the wok on high flame.

  • 2tsp each if sugar, light and dark soy sauce, 1/2 TSP of gochujang paste (just wanted to finish it). 2tsp of hot water to dissolve the paste.

  • mix ,mix , mix and then I let thel all sit in the remnants of the sauce in the work for 10 mins before a final toss and serve.

Tofu in gravy – I had a mapo tofu gravy packet so it was add and boil.

Sushi Rice – rice cooker.

by CrunchyHobGoglin

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