Black pepper crab with caviar, coriander veil, coconut sauce, lime gel, edible flowers and nasturtium

by Hai_Cooking


  1. This looks like a floral arrangement and I don’t get a crab idea at all.

    I’d walk away from this.

  2. The presentation on the plate is really great. Very well done. But once I get down to the crab, I’d be really confused. I don’t know what I would expect but with fresh spring flora and what resembles a blackberry, I would be surprised to find crab?

  3. teamneveramused on

    What a luxurious amount of caviar for an app. I’d be stoked if this hit my table. It’s beautiful.

  4. This is visually stunning and the components would work well together. Not generally a fan of unnecessary floral garnishes but those flowers have a bit of a peppery taste that would add to the flavour profile. Well done.

  5. Gorgeous! Are the little drip-drops on the leaves more lime gel? I love crab meat and this looks wonderfully flavorful!

  6. I found the plating beautiful, but I couldn’t quite figure out the actual dish until the last picture. Good on you for showing us that perspective. It made me understand better how the guest would perceive it. That sold me and showed me the food behind the artistry. Of all the art mediums, I highly respect those who use food because it’s so sacrificial; creating something that may be the most satisfying thing you have ever created only to present it to your audience to be consumed. After that, what you created is a memory. Memories are sometimes all we have and they can be more precious than the rarest pearl.

    Ugh, it’s one of those fallish Sunday nights where the weather is cooling, leaves are changing and waxing poetic just kinda happens. Sooooryyyy….

  7. Intelligent_Can_1162 on

    I like glass plates like that. They add visual texture without making plating a nightmare

  8. Interesting idea. Presented beautifully!

    Would be proud af with this end result, well done chef!!

  9. Ok-Needleworker-5657 on

    This is gorgeous. I do think I’d reconsider the cilantro stems tho, they don’t have a great mouthfeel.

  10. Absolutely stunning.

    My only critique is the coriander veil. I’m not sure what the purpose of the position is with leaves pointing away from the dish. As I think about eating it as a diner, I’d have to pull the stem to get the leaf on my fork. Additionally the stem’s texture isn’t the most appealing imo and I view picked leaves as more finesse. I do understand what it brings to the dish flavorwise so maybe picked leaves would work better or micro cilantro?

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