I’m not sure what they were thinking but my parents brought home 50lbs of beets and carrots because they got a “really good deal” on them. I’ve been eating and juicing them every day. Even the dogs are eating them 😂

I’m not sure if I’m going to turn pink or orange from this but it’s a risk I’m willing to take!

by haymnas


  1. Be aware…the color of beets and carrots, eaten in sufficient quantity, does come out unchanged on the other end. 

  2. Gorgeous! Love the color variety. There’s SO many ways to eat carrots and beets, and they last a good while, not a problem in my book

  3. PlaneEffect3864 on

    quite a wonderful situation you’ve got over there….

    carrot/beet juice is so beautifully, subtly creamy🤌

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