Top left is microwaveable alfredo broccoli pasta which is 460cal per bag. I added 1/2 cup almond milk as per instructions which is an additional 15 calories but I just rounded up to 500 since I eyeballed it. 17g protein in the pasta

Top right is a chocolate protein shake from shake smart. I got a regular with 1/2 agave and subbed in almond milk, which turns out to be 198 calories and 30g protein

Bottom left is veggie sushi, 210 cal and 6g protein.

Bottom right is my snacks. The bar is a Nature Valley protein bar, it's 200 cal and 10g protein. The bag is kaimana jerky teriyaki tuna jerky, its 90 cal and 9g protein.

Totals up to 1198 calories and 72g protein.

by Unlucky_Grocery2092

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