Is this cheese safe to eat? /s thank you to the lovely folks at jasper hill! ❤️🧀🦅

by telb


  1. They make such great cheese. Bayley Hazen and Harbison are favorites, and Willoughby is great as well. Will have to try the others. What are your favorites?

  2. walksinwalksout on

    My favorite creamery! I love everything these guys do. Amazing cheese. I had the pleasure of hosting a couple of their makers at our creamery. Wonderful group too.

  3. I thought this was my post from a few days ago at first glance. They had an amazing sale going on when I happened to order (which seems to be the case not infrequently), but they were out of stock on the Caspian. Huge bummer.

    I didn’t order a Harbison this time around, but only because I still have one in my fridge from my last order. My favorite. Well, I mean, my all time favorite ever cheese is probably Brebirousse d’Argental, but obviously I order that elsewhere.

    Another one that I will never be able to give up is Nancy’s Camembert from Vermont Sheepherding. It’s much, much milder than most cheeses that I prefer, but the ooziness and the sheep of it all just… I use it instead of butter, on toast or French toast or sandwiches, or whatever. But I also use Willoughby for all of those things, so there’s that.

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