Homemade pistachio mooncakes

by fio3302


  1. AlonelyGhoulPrincess on

    These look amazing!!! ❤️❤️ Can I have the recipe?? 🤔
    I know I’m late but Happy Mid-Autumn Festival!!!

  2. Lazy-Sundae-7728 on

    Ohh, that’s beautiful. I do get a little sad sometimes on this subreddit when people post things that look DELICIOUS but the photo’s composition is meh, or everything is beige or whatever, but this is #foodporn. Looks delicious, looks beautiful, photography is perfect.

  3. That looks absolutely gorgeous! Speaking of which, I have yet to buy any mooncakes despite being a singaporean 😅

  4. First time I tried a pistachio muffin I thought the colour was off putting but now that I know the lovely taste let’s just say – I am craving one right now! Lovely cakes 😍

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