anyone else enjoying one of the Babybel cheese today?

by Square-Bar-219


  1. technical_righter on

    I called these cheese onetime and a French colleague about slapped me. “Zat eeez NOT cheeze!!”

  2. Babybel cheese reminds me of hardboiled eggs. Tasty once you get to the center, but having to eat the outer layer first always kind of ruins the experience for me.

  3. Heh.

    The first time I had Babybel, I was in my car after just having bought a bag. I had already heard that you were supposed to remove the wax, so I didn’t make the mistake of biting into the wax.

    I ate the cheese – 7/10 it was decent – and I was left holding the wax. I didn’t have anywhere to throw the wax away.

    So I ate the wax.

    2/10 tasted like wax. Would not recommend

  4. ungorgeousConnect on

    I used to send my son to school with these for lunch every day. 

    One day, there was a PA day and he had lunch at home. He did this. 

    I stood in shock and awe. “I always wondered why they tasted kind of off”, he said.

    I was cry-laughing.

  5. Idontliketalking2u on

    It’s like that weird ass wax lips things people give out at Halloween. Except this is probably better.

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