Most of my calories usually go to my dinners, so yeah! This meal was a good 543 calories with 62 grams of protein 😀
Has a tuna sandwich with a slice of bread, big omlettle (with one whole egg and egg whites) that sauce is some sweet Asian sauce condiment, very yummy.
Watermelon!! Munched on it before the photo was taken haha.

And today I had my mom buy some Fage 0 fat yogurt and some pudding mix cause I saw it makes it a lifesaver. SO GOOD, that entire yogurt pudding was only 90 cals (but I found myself actually kinda liking the taste of fage unflavored too, (I'm not passing this pudding taste though.) Topped with nuts and berries. I was still at 543 calories after this (below my reach) so I added a tasty honolulu cookie 🙂 so technically this meal is 633 calories. Still awesome though!

by Short_Ad_7813

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