1. Obvious-Item4161 on

    It’s a traditional dish eaten (and loved) in autumn and winter by many in The Netherlands. Since it’s raining the entire day I decided to spent some hours on making the dish.

    The recipe I used is not completely traditional however. Normally the kale is being cooked with the potatoes, but I roasted it in oven. The reason for this is that it concentrates flavour by getting out the moisture, and allows for new texture and spices. Also normally we eat `rookworst` (smoked sausage) with it, I replaced it with pork


    +- 1 kg of potatoes
    300 grams of kale, finely chopped
    200 grams of mushroom
    100 gram diced pork
    4 patches of pork (is this correct English?)
    250 ml full fat milk
    sour small onions; it’s a Dutch thing I guess
    olive oil
    garlic powder
    dried chili pepper crumbles


    **Pork & gravy**

    Add some butter to a pre heated pan.
    Add the pork, but do not overcrowd the pan. Sear until it has a decent amount of browning.
    Remove from pan to cool down, but leave all the brown bits and fat.
    Turn up the heat a bit
    Add +- 30 grams of butter and heat until brown.
    Add +- 75 ml of water. Rather use less then too much. Adding water loosens al the browned bit which has a lot of flavour.
    After +- 1 minute turn off the heat.
    Add a small teaspoon of sambal and musterd.
    Stir everything.
    If too thick; add a bit of water.
    Set aside in a separate pan and add the cooked pork to it.


    Pre-heat oven to 200 degrees celsius
    Divide kale over 2 backing trays, you want a thin layer.
    Sprinkle some salt, garlic powder and dried chili pepers over it.
    Add some olive oil and mix it together
    Put in oven for 7 minutes. You want a mixture of soft and crunchy bits.
    Set aside once done.

    **Pork dices**

    Cut the mushroom in small pieces and put in a broad pan.
    Sprinkle some salt on top to help extract moisture.
    Put on the heat and get rid of most moisture.
    Once it starts to dry out add the diced pork and leave on medium heat.
    You want to cook out all the fat and get some crispyness.
    Set aside once done.

    **Mashed potatoes**

    Peel and cut the potatoes. Smaller pieces cook faster.
    Put in cold water, enough to submerge everything with some salt
    Put heat on medium-high.
    Cook until they break apart when trying to stick them with a fork. Usually after 30~40 minutes.
    Poor of the water and let steam out for +- 1 minute
    Mash the potatoes a bit.
    Add a bit of grinded pepper (regular one, not the chili)
    Add some butter, not too much.
    Add 1 or 2 teaspoons of musterd
    Add +- 100 ml of milk and mash everything together.
    Repeat again with 100 ml of milk.
    Repeat with 50 ml of milk until smooth texture. A lot of it should evaporate, you don’t want mush.
    Add the kale and diced pork.
    Mash again.
    It should have a bit sturdy texture now.

    Serve with the sour onions, some gravy on top and the pork.

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