I think a bit too, triangular?

And the dill maybe doesn’t fit / too much

by AccomplishedMud1218


  1. Make the gnocchi as a side dish. Either one plate w surf and turf and sliced steak being the focal point. And a side of gnocchi. Or a prep of gnocchi and shrimp and a plate of slice steak. This just looks too busy and not going to be easy to eat.

  2. BoatyMcBoatFace89 on

    I like it as a potential dish. I think it’s too busy. Not going to be able to properly eat. I would slice steak, fan out on top of gnocchi. Shingle shrimp on side? No dill. Or if it’s a must for greenery…a sprig will do great. All IMO. I like it. Just needs some tweaks.

  3. Massive dill doesn’t belong. Also dill, with steak, shrimp, and gnocchi seems like a tough sort of flavors

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