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  1. There isn’t really a “traditional” recipe for this, as it’s intended to be versatile. Don’t be put off by this long post – it’s quick and very easy.

    **The simple recipe:**

    2-3 eggs, 2 tomatoes, a pinch of salt and sugar, and a tablespoon of oil. You can have either cooked noodles or rice depending on which you prefer, or just enjoy by itself.

    Cut the tomatoes into small chunks. If you don’t like the mouth feel of the skin, leave the tomatoes first in a bowl of freshly boiled water for 5 mins, after which their skins should easily peel off (let them cool first!)

    Heat a frying pan or wok, add a little oil and fry the tomatoes on a medium-high heat for 1-3 mins depending on the softness you prefer. If you soaked the tomatoes to remove their skin, you’ll need less time. Once the tomatoes are a bit softer and cooked through, sprinkle some sugar over them if you like – this reduces the sourness if your tomatoes are a bit sharp.

    Remove the tomatoes from the pan into a bowl and set aside. Crack your eggs into a bowl or mixing jug, and beat for 30 seconds until they’re half mixed with white streaks. You can beat them to a full yellow, but you don’t have to.

    Add the remaining oil into the pan, and fry the egg mixture on a medium-high heat until it’s close to the consistency of an omelette. It doesn’t have to be perfect. Using a spatula or the utensil you’re using, make rough cuts into the egg until it’s separated into small squares (or triangles, or any shape whatsoever). Remove from the heat for a moment to avoid overcooking.

    Put your tomatoes back in the pan with the eggs and fry both on a medium heat for 30 seconds to 1 min, gently mixing them together. Sprinkle over a bit of salt according to taste.

    Immediately remove from the pan and either serve on top of rice or noodles. You can also eat it by itself as a meal.

    **My wife’s recipe (pictured):**

    My wife’s recipe is mostly the same as the simple recipe, but she adds some extra things to make it more fragrant. She also prefers a more saucy texture which seeps into the noodles.

    Cooking for both of us, my wife uses 5 eggs and 2 tomatoes, but she also adds one tin of canned tomatoes. Using canned tomatoes also means you don’t need oil when frying them.

    She prepares the tomatoes in the usual way, then pours in the canned tomatoes and cooks both together for a few minutes.

    She then adds a pinch of sugar, and a good 2-3 tablespoons of oyster sauce. This gives the tomatoes a more savoury flavour.

    Removing the tomato mixture from the pan, she then cooks the beaten 5 eggs with 2 tablespoons of oil. Lastly, she combines with the tomato mixture, cooks for another 30 seconds to one minute, and is done.

    To serve, she adds a sprinkle of roasted white or black sesame seeds.

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