Caragreenan is the gel agent here and derived from seaweed.
thatcouldvebeenworse on
Yep! Not beef, note that it says ‘parve’, so neither meat nor dairy (could still have egg/fish). We made these once in college- The vodka sort of floated on top, so it was more like a jello chaser. You may be more successful though!
meekonesfade on
Yes! Our family is vegetarian. I made it for my kids once, who promptly decided they werent missing anything
fleatsd on
most kosher gelatin products are made with fish gelatin. If it’s listed as “parve” or “pareve”, that means it contains no meat or dairy, but kosher laws will allow for fish to be used, so if you’re not pescatarian you should just check the ingredients to confirm.
if you’re okay with fish gelatin (i am), there’s lots of kosher gummy and gelatin products, but I’ll warn you that fish gelatin gummies tend to dissolve when soaked in alcohol instead of making rummy bears like the pork kind. it’s kind of a fun cocktail but definitely not what I was going for
ForeverAclone95 on
Kosher jello sometimes has beef or fish so you should check the ingredients
thefinalgoat on
“May be used for Passover” because they can’t eat anything made from cloven-hoofed animals, including gelatin…damn, now I need to look at some kosher foods and snacks!
Indian jello is usually vegetarian. Maybe you can find online or at an indian grocery store. Their vegetarian products will often have a little green circle in a square to indicate it’s vegetarian.
I used to use agar agar powder whenever I made Jell-O shots—worked perfectly.
Isn’t Gefen still beef gelatin? It’s kosher because it’s not pork gelatin.
according to [amazon/google](https://www.amazon.com/Gefen-Strawberry-Jello-3oz/dp/B006JI3O2I)
Caragreenan is the gel agent here and derived from seaweed.
Yep! Not beef, note that it says ‘parve’, so neither meat nor dairy (could still have egg/fish). We made these once in college- The vodka sort of floated on top, so it was more like a jello chaser. You may be more successful though!
Yes! Our family is vegetarian. I made it for my kids once, who promptly decided they werent missing anything
most kosher gelatin products are made with fish gelatin. If it’s listed as “parve” or “pareve”, that means it contains no meat or dairy, but kosher laws will allow for fish to be used, so if you’re not pescatarian you should just check the ingredients to confirm.
if you’re okay with fish gelatin (i am), there’s lots of kosher gummy and gelatin products, but I’ll warn you that fish gelatin gummies tend to dissolve when soaked in alcohol instead of making rummy bears like the pork kind. it’s kind of a fun cocktail but definitely not what I was going for
Kosher jello sometimes has beef or fish so you should check the ingredients
“May be used for Passover” because they can’t eat anything made from cloven-hoofed animals, including gelatin…damn, now I need to look at some kosher foods and snacks!
I would totally try this
For all of my plant-based jel dessert needs, I use Simply Delish. [https://simplydelish.net/shop/natural-jels/?absrc=Google&abid=518054898642&abcampid=12897903015&gclid=Cj0KCQjwsJO4BhDoARIsADDv4vD5VUITCsWkiaoXoB1mPiDBVSW26XP7qtECM0o6ZJV4xAIMMapmNdoaAraiEALw_wcB&gad_source=1](https://simplydelish.net/shop/natural-jels/?absrc=Google&abid=518054898642&abcampid=12897903015&gclid=Cj0KCQjwsJO4BhDoARIsADDv4vD5VUITCsWkiaoXoB1mPiDBVSW26XP7qtECM0o6ZJV4xAIMMapmNdoaAraiEALw_wcB&gad_source=1)
Indian jello is usually vegetarian. Maybe you can find online or at an indian grocery store. Their vegetarian products will often have a little green circle in a square to indicate it’s vegetarian.