That’s not cheese. Veganism is anti cheese and anti cheese-eater. Not sure why that is relevant here.
egordoniv on
Forgive my ignorance. How is it made if its vegan? Is milk and cream on the menu for vegans?
[deleted] on
[deleted] on
Flibiddy-Floo on
Imagine showing up to the weed subs with oregano lol
gildeddoughnut on
How to win but still lose
coalmines on
Pretty impressive
Cosmonaut_Cockswing on
Looks tasty!
GoatLegRedux on
The gatekeepers are funny. If you didn’t say this was vegan people would be asking what cheese this is and where to get it.
Looks great – I’d happily give it a try!
One-Leg9114 on
I’d love to try it. My hopes are not high.
greengo4 on
Is mold vegan?
Le_Gluglu on
Vegan and cheese in the same sentence…no!
QuesadillaSauce on
People are so defensive about the existence of vegan cheese on this sub. Calm down! The democrats aren’t coming to take your dairy away! It’s fine that vegan options exist
Kalikokola on
Does it taste like Gorgonzola? My issue with most vegan cheeses is that I don’t like their flavor. Usually it’s just very obviously cashew or something like that
tanya2137 on
Vegan cheeses are awesome cuz im lactose intolerant. U guys need to chill with the vegan hate
Boaventura_1980 on
It is same the troll from last week!
LadybuggingLB on
How does the taste compare to Gorgonzola? Are the molds that develop the same?
Solidmarsh on
Treez nuts
LightBluepono on
That look great honestly I wonder what the taste .
Extreme-Soil-3800 on
That’s not cheese
yossanator on
I probably have a slightly different take on this to some of the posters on here, but as a Chef, it’s not only vegans that are after products like this. Many are lactose intolerant, so this just creates more opportunities to enliven their diet. Gorgonzola is one of my favourite cheeses and it can be used in so many ways, so a big thumbs up from me.
I’m neither vegetarian or vegan, but cook a lot for both groups. Totally happy to see that an amazing looking product like this exist.
johnnyribcage on
Had a guy argue with me that Gorgonzola wasn’t blue cheese in the cheese aisle at Costco recently. He just wondered aloud to himself, “they don’t have blue cheese?” And I pointed to the pound of Gorgonzola right in front of him. He was like, “that’s Gorgonzola.” I said, “yeah, I mean, it’s a blue cheese.” And he gave me this pitying look like a teacher amused that a student is that fucking stupid, and was like, “Ah, no…” chuckle chuckle chuckle.
RatPotPie on
Can someone enlighten me as to vegan cheese is made?
Fourthwell on
FUCK gorgonzola.
Ok_Jackfruit_4654 on
Fauxmage, not cheese.
Gulag_Gary32 on
Do I have to be the one to say it?
Comfortable-Clerk209 on
Looks amazing
Kyle7053 on
Vegan cheese is not cheese. Don’t let them fool you
jjj666jjj666jjj on
It just doesn’t look right
Boaventura_1980 on
I have just unsubcribed from this sub because there is exactly zero gatekeeping/edition. “Vegan cheese” is just the worst example. Cheese is one my favorite things in the world but this sub is certainly not even close to be at its level!
boywonder5691 on
Vegan and cheese in the same sentence of just gibberish
BreakfastOk9902 on
Has anyone named a vegan cheese “fo magio” yet?
GayHusbandLiker on
I really want to try one of the fancy vegan cheeses. Haven’t been a big fan of other vegan cheeses, though, except for a pretty good vegan mascarpone.
TheFoxAndTheRaven on
Vegan or Cheese. It’s one or the other.
Ok_Watercress_7801 on
This all seems pretty cool. I’m not a vegan or lactose intolerant, but if there are tasty, sustainable, nutritious, nondairy options for human consumption, then bravo for this manufacturer overcoming such a complex hurdle.
I’m curious myself about the mouthfeel, flavor, fat content et cetera.
I’d love to be able to host my vegetarian/vegan/lactose intolerant friends & family & be able to enjoy this with them.
I love all sorts of foods. I just don’t limit myself to plants & non-animal organisms of their products.
Guvnah-Wyze on
All you “not cheese” folks are just as bad as the evangelical vegans that piss you off.
rest-mass-zero on
Vegan cheese??? Gtfoh
NowoTone on
Isn’t Gorgonzola a protected brand of Italien cheese and needs to come from there? This looks nothing like Gorgonzola.
That. Is. SEXY. 😳
That’s not cheese. Veganism is anti cheese and anti cheese-eater. Not sure why that is relevant here.
Forgive my ignorance. How is it made if its vegan? Is milk and cream on the menu for vegans?
Imagine showing up to the weed subs with oregano lol
How to win but still lose
Pretty impressive
Looks tasty!
The gatekeepers are funny. If you didn’t say this was vegan people would be asking what cheese this is and where to get it.
Looks great – I’d happily give it a try!
I’d love to try it. My hopes are not high.
Is mold vegan?
Vegan and cheese in the same sentence…no!
People are so defensive about the existence of vegan cheese on this sub. Calm down! The democrats aren’t coming to take your dairy away! It’s fine that vegan options exist
Does it taste like Gorgonzola? My issue with most vegan cheeses is that I don’t like their flavor. Usually it’s just very obviously cashew or something like that
Vegan cheeses are awesome cuz im lactose intolerant. U guys need to chill with the vegan hate
It is same the troll from last week!
How does the taste compare to Gorgonzola? Are the molds that develop the same?
Treez nuts
That look great honestly I wonder what the taste .
That’s not cheese
I probably have a slightly different take on this to some of the posters on here, but as a Chef, it’s not only vegans that are after products like this. Many are lactose intolerant, so this just creates more opportunities to enliven their diet. Gorgonzola is one of my favourite cheeses and it can be used in so many ways, so a big thumbs up from me.
I’m neither vegetarian or vegan, but cook a lot for both groups. Totally happy to see that an amazing looking product like this exist.
Had a guy argue with me that Gorgonzola wasn’t blue cheese in the cheese aisle at Costco recently. He just wondered aloud to himself, “they don’t have blue cheese?” And I pointed to the pound of Gorgonzola right in front of him. He was like, “that’s Gorgonzola.” I said, “yeah, I mean, it’s a blue cheese.” And he gave me this pitying look like a teacher amused that a student is that fucking stupid, and was like, “Ah, no…” chuckle chuckle chuckle.
Can someone enlighten me as to vegan cheese is made?
FUCK gorgonzola.
Fauxmage, not cheese.
Do I have to be the one to say it?
Looks amazing
Vegan cheese is not cheese. Don’t let them fool you
It just doesn’t look right
I have just unsubcribed from this sub because there is exactly zero gatekeeping/edition. “Vegan cheese” is just the worst example. Cheese is one my favorite things in the world but this sub is certainly not even close to be at its level!
Vegan and cheese in the same sentence of just gibberish
Has anyone named a vegan cheese “fo magio” yet?
I really want to try one of the fancy vegan cheeses. Haven’t been a big fan of other vegan cheeses, though, except for a pretty good vegan mascarpone.
Vegan or Cheese. It’s one or the other.
This all seems pretty cool. I’m not a vegan or lactose intolerant, but if there are tasty, sustainable, nutritious, nondairy options for human consumption, then bravo for this manufacturer overcoming such a complex hurdle.
I’m curious myself about the mouthfeel, flavor, fat content et cetera.
I’d love to be able to host my vegetarian/vegan/lactose intolerant friends & family & be able to enjoy this with them.
I love all sorts of foods. I just don’t limit myself to plants & non-animal organisms of their products.
All you “not cheese” folks are just as bad as the evangelical vegans that piss you off.
Vegan cheese??? Gtfoh
Isn’t Gorgonzola a protected brand of Italien cheese and needs to come from there? This looks nothing like Gorgonzola.
It certainly looks quite convincing
Looks like trash to me.