I posted the butter picture here before, but I just wanted to share even more of these. The majority of the positive patterns have to do with conventionally unhealthy foods.

This tells me that on days I let myself enjoy moderate amounts of these foods, the better I am actually able to stick to my calorie limit! and I guess it’s possible I’m just not as hungry on those days? Not sure but this really encourages me. I struggle with all or nothing thinking and I love seeing positive results from allowing myself to enjoy something I used to consider “bad.” Yay!

by lumpy_space_queenie


  1. Nice. I like how this sub it so food positive. It took me a while to learn that treats are not only ok. They are encouraged. Thanks for this!

  2. damemasproteina on

    You’re killing it!

    This is my favorite feature of Lose it! It shows you can eat anything and stick to your goals. I don’t really have any wacky ones right now, closest thing is I do really good fitting in honey (use it on my green tea, sometimes on my Greek yogurt) and also with “red dip”. Red dip apparently is them grouping salsa, red pepper hummus, spicy hummus & ketchup together. In the past it’s had things like donuts, pasta, chocolate.

    A good insight for me is the high carb breakfast / low carb dinner because I feel like I usually aim for high protein breakfasts & when I go for more carby stuff I feel like I didn’t make the best choices but apparently I’m wrong.


    It also helps reminds us that while we might not make perfect choices 100% of the time, allowing ourselves to be flexible helps us develop better habits.

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