Found this ad while scanning a 1906 issue of the Wisconsin-based socialist periodical The Vanguard.

by jules9687


  1. Text (I’m not yelling here!):

    And become stronger, healthier, happier, clearer-head and save money. Learn about vegetarianism through THE VEGETARIAN MAGAZINE. The Vegetarian Magazine stands for a cleaner body, a healthier mentality and a higher morality. Advocates disuse of flesh, fish and fowl as food; hygienic living and natural methods of obtaining health. Preaches humanitarianism, purety and temperance in all things. Upholds all that’s sensible, right and decent. Able contributors. Has a Household Department which tells how to prepare Healthful and Nutritious Dishes without the use of meats or animal fats. Gives valuable Tested Recipes and useful hints on HYGIENE, SELECTION OF FOOD, TABLE DECORATION, KITCHEN ECONOMY, CARE OF COOKING UTENSILS, etc. Full of timely hints on PREVENTION AND CURE OF DISEASE. Gives portraits of prominent vegetarians, and personal testimonials from those who have been cured of long-standing diseases by the adoption of a natural method of living, TELLS HOW TO CUT DOWN LIVING EXPENSES WITHOUT GOING WITHOUT ANY OF LIFE’S NECESSITIES, EXPLAINS THE ONLY WAY OF PERMANENTLY CURING THE LIQUOR HABIT, WAYS TO INCREASE MUSCLE AND POWER. Valuable hints on Child-Culture, how to inculcate unselfishness, benevolence and sympathy in children. A magazine for the whole family. Uniquely printed, well illustrated. Pages 7 by 10 inches in size. Published monthly. Sent postpaid to your address, 1 yr. for $1; 6 mos., 50c; 3 mos., 25c; 1 mo., 10c. No free copies, send money to:
    THE VEGETARIAN CO., 167 Dearborn Street, Chicago, Ill.,
    The Vanguard, an up-to-date Socialist monthly, 50 cents a year.

  2. beesmakenoise on

    Interesting find! A very different time in which to be a vegetarian, at least from a North American perspective.

  3. Sounds great. Can I still subscribe? lol

    I wonder if there are any scanned copies online

  4. I love these gems, these time capsules always give a great insight on the life back in the day and how things were seen. Personally I’m currently reading “How to Live in Health and Physical Fitness” by George Hackenschmidt and it was written in the same time period as that article.

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