Dinner at Myomi was really lovely!

It was pretty easy to get a reservation as a foreigner ~1 month before my visit using Catch Table. I dined alone and took the subway to get there, which was pretty easy to navigate. Definitely a place you dress up to go to, men were wearing blazers and women were wearing dresses or long skirts. They brought the seasonal vegetables out before hand and explained every dish as it was served. Each dish had Korean-specific ingredients and preparations, but also the presentations/textures you’d see at other fine dining restaurants—I’d compare it to Marlena or Sorrel in San Francisco.

Food: the first dish was a sort of cracker cookie thing I didn’t photograph, but it was delicious and memorable.

The second course had three items, the first was a puff cracker kind of thing that I remember being a little confused on eating, I think I settled on rotating it sidewise and doing a one bite situation. It was yummy! The second item was a savory soup, which I think was good but the third item was amazing and that’s what really sticks out from this course. It had fish and kimchi on a tiny toast. Suuuper delicious and a creative presentation of kimchi!

Third course was a dumpling? It kind of tasted like a tuna sandwich, but with shrimp? And then pear kind of layered on top. I don’t quite get how it’s a dumpling but tasted good.

Fourth was grilled abalone, there were no bad course but this one wasn’t super memorable.

Fifth was a steamed fish soup, it was very light but also super good. A clear broth that was steaming when poured but the dish was well shaped so it cooled quickly.

Sixth was chicken soup risotto, I think this would have been better with a different name because I’ve had better risotto but I think the dish was good if I hadn’t brought risotto expectations to it.

Seventh was the best! Duck! I’ve had lots of duck but I think this is the best I’ve had! I wished there was more of this, maybe a couple bites more of this and less soup or something. I left perfectly full, so they got the meal size correct but proportionally, more duck. Haha

8th: a quick cleansing drink. Tasty and fresh.

9th: steak! Also yummy. Loved the chunky barbecue and the raspberry sauce. I had aquerello’s vegetarian menu and their beet dish was not good, so I was nervous for this, but it was a normal amount of beet and added to the dish nicely. The colors were nice and the flavors worked well.

Three dessert courses: pudding dish was great, I learned about a classic korean dessert and it was very pretty in presentation. Second one was delicious, ice creams and mousses. Perfect textures and flavors, very refreshing. Third was two dessert bites and some decaf tea. Good way to end the meal!

by Conceptizual

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