Potato appreciation post. Because potatoes are the best!

by chefboofardee


  1. Boil em, mash em, stick em in a stew! Also, for the love of god, fry them too haha

  2. I didn’t understand the irony at first and was actually thinking a certain part of the potato made better Chips

  3. JustChiLingggg on

    Imagine if someone legit followed this guide to make every single thing there…I want to see the video!

  4. Potatoes!
    A tuber family member
    We eat them in March
    We eat them in December
    The famine almost killed the Irish
    To have them on my plate is the only thing that I wish
    You can slice them up
    And walla french food
    There’s so many ways
    to eat this tuber…

    Austin Tx circa 1990

  5. BunnyRabbitOnTheMoon on

    When I first became vegetarian my aunt didnt know how to feed me when i would visit. She offered a boiled potato. This became a routine when I would visit. Sitting there, listening to her raspy spanish trickle out her mouth like water over pebbles on a babbling brook while she stood over the stove boiling my potato.

    Potatoes really hold that memory for me since she passed.

  6. Torvabrocoli on

    I love potato skins lol (throughly washed/scrubbed of course)

    Never understood why people would want to through away all that goodness!

    Potatoes are an amazing source of nutrition and energy imho 🙂

  7. Now I want to eat more seasonal veggies, I appreciate potatoes even more during winter and (early) spring 🙂

  8. I love to parboil my potatoes and then roast them on pan. Add is some little of olive oil, seasoning mix, garlic, onion, and a bit of ginger. Delicious. Crunchy on the outside and soft and creamy from the inside.

    I love potatoes.

  9. harlotbegonias on

    I’m so glad to be back on the potato train! I went through a phase where they didn’t excite me, but I’m back, babyyy

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