Our first incredible visit to Noma during game and forest season. Exceptional stuff, especially considering the constraints with seasonal ingredients. Magical!

by fresh2112


  1. Menu was as follows.
    Egg and Nettles
    Guinea Fowl
    Caramelised skin

    Pear Salad


    Stuffed hip berry

    Pumpkin pie

    Bowl of walnuts

    Cherry leaf sandwich

    Apple and lingonberry

    Wild boar belly

    Mushroom gel and sunflower seeds

    Reindeer brain omelette

    Wild mushroom ragout

    Reindeer tongue

    Grilled fallow deer and pickles

    Tree sap tart (not pictured)

    Hazelnuts and candied chanterelles

    Woodruff and pine caramel
    Sumac in chocolate
    Candied pinecone

  2. Kind of wild there’s no return dish from last year for the most part. Looks incredible.

  3. I know the flavours were probably on point but my god, that’s some unimaginative plating.

  4. Long-Difficulty-7580 on

    Holy moly!
    I’m flying there for that this week!
    I refuse to look at the photos to keep some element of surprise but seeing this is exciting.
    Any other recommendations for while we’re in Copenhagen this week?

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