Tres is a small fine restaurant on the docks in rotterdam, the entrance has blackened windows and a smqll logo, you have to ring the doorbell.
First you are welcome into a small lounge with comfy armchairs and sofas, there you will receive an aperitief and the amuse bouche.
1. A cracker made with wild duck caramel, fresh hazelnuts and young pine shoots
2. “Oliebol” a dutch fried dough filled with duck liver (not foie gras) and duck ham
Then we are accompanied into the kitchen and the chef gives a preview of the dinner menu, it was the game and forest menu.
The dining room is situated in a basement like environment and we all sit around the kitchen counter seeing the chefs cook, place seats around 12 people.
3. White asparagus “mousse”, preserved unripe elderberries, gooseberries and jerusalem artichoke sauce
4. Courgette flower stuffed with rabbit and an eggyolk and beurre noisette dip
5. 5 different types of cabbages, barbecued, stewed and roasted, cepes sauce
6. Morel preserved in cep oil, filled with hazelnuts and pheasant sauce
7. Empanada of caramelised milk, wild duck ragout, and cranberries
8. Wild duck breast, compote of blackberries and cassis branches
9. Skewer with duck wing, seasoned with kebab spices, cherries and roe deer tongue
10. Roe deer saddle, cooked on a japanese barbecue, parsnip creme, fresh walnuts, vine leaf, preserved baby pine cone, and an intense deer stock
11. Pear cooked for 48 hours at 2 temperatures, dried and glazed with broad bean miso, bell pepper and tomato sauce, black garlic, and caramelised koji ice cream
12. Homemade brioche cone, gooseberry and bone marrow caramel, buttermilk and boar fat ice cream, boar skin crisp
After the dessert we were led to another lounge area to have our coffee, which was pour over, and lastly our mignardise
13. Pumpkin seed tartelettes, bee pollen custard
14. Chestnut and cepes fudge

Probably one of the best dining experiences i’ve ever had, definitely some of the most innovative cooking in the Netherlands, the pear dish is probably the best dish i have ever eaten.
Highly recommend a visit if you love Scandinavian style cooking, with lots of ferments and preserves.

by Kylo_rave


  1. Also forgot to mention, the chef only uses Dutch produce, all his ingredients are sourced locally and nationally. I would also fully recommend the juice/kombucha pairings, they’re made in house and absolutely insanely good.

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