Impossible Foods Launches a “Lean” Ground Beef, With More Protein and Less Fat

by 6894


  1. Lower fat, lower sodium, more potassium and protein.

    Sounds like they’re trying to address the health complaints a bit.

    I’m excited to give it a try.

  2. I mean, its a product that they THINK people want; I mostly think its just a blanket complaint from people that will never buy the product anyways , at least not repeatedly. Those type of people will stick with the nut burgers or the potato and rice patties. Hey, its fine, whatever makes people happy.

    I would always caution listening to the loud complaints on twitter about the product, though, if you expect a good return on your investment. That loud minority is coming from a health angle which may verge into pseudoscience, not coming from an environmental or “don’t kill animals” position which is very easy to quantify.

    I want an even fattier impossible for better burgers, honestly. Most gourmet burger places have a 60 40 beef to fat ratio or at least 70 30. The impossible is emulating an 80 20 blend, and I want more rich fattiness, please.

  3. Can’t complain about it. As someone who does a lot of weight training, the more protein I can consume on a vegetarian diet does me well

  4. Ive been hoping this was the next step. I enjoy impossible ground beef but its hard to get enough protein when it is the primary protein source with my activity and training level.

  5. I think this is pretty brilliant. There are plenty of bros who will buy whatever the cheapest high protein low calorie option is. Why not make that option vegan meat instead of chicken breast.

  6. Sasquatchamunk on

    Love that! Super cool to see more and more options for non-meat-eating folk.

  7. PrincessPnyButtercup on

    Awesome! Now can we get a non-dairy yogurt that is high in protein, low in fat, and doesn’t taste like Satan’s nutsack?

  8. Mmm nice. I miss that meat flavor/texture quite a bit so I’m a big fan of any good imitation meat.

  9. Good. The current formula’s fat content gives me what I affectionately refer to as the “evacuatories”.

  10. Y’all mentioning yogurt, I LOVE oikos Greek raspberry yogurt an I can’t find it anywhere! Y’all kno anything about where I might could find it??

  11. SashaCrosswing on

    Just slow cook walnuts from a food processor on low for 12 hours with onions, peppers, garlic. and some coconut oil with a bit of Worcestershire sauce and a dash of cayenne pepper. Easy to make, tastes amazing, and you know all the ingredients that go in it.

  12. LateBoomerBeachBum on

    I don’t eat meat because the thought of eating a corpse disgusts me. Substituting dead animals with some highly processed, chemical mush does not appeal to me. But to each their own. I did eat an Impossible Burger one time at a BBQ when a family member excitedly prepared it for me. While I managed to get it down, it was so close to real meat that it creeped me out. I do make a bomb veggie burger with a combo of garbanzo beans, whites beans, and black beans!

  13. DaughterofTarot on

    I wish they would create meat substitutes that werent just ground beef. I mean there are so many options for ground meat subs to start with … its hard for me to get excited by them even though their process is cool and flavorful.

    Create some freaking brisket! Steak! Fajitas!

    I mean are burgers really what other veggies miss most? I can only go by myself but it seems doubtful …

  14. ChilindriPizza on

    I like the Impossible Meat they serve at Q’Doba WAY too much! The way they season it is delicious. And the texture is always consistent.

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