We are generally well dined, eating at a 2-3 star once/twice a year. This weekend we had our long awaited dinner at per se, and will say something felt off. The 9-course tasting menu was delicious but somewhat uninspired. Apart from the oysters and Peals (truly fabulous), dishes were all cooked well but just missing the wow factor.

Servers were nice but not always the most attentive. While our water glasses were refilled for every course, we had to flag them down after waiting for several minutes with empty bar glasses (twice).

Am still glad we went, as they gave us some nice treats at the end and a brief kitchen tour – but IMHO felt a bit tired and in need of some sparkle.

Is this aligned to others experience or did I mis-percieve?

by clcom


  1. I didn’t love per se and wouldn’t return. Nothing I hated but also nothing I loved and would die to return for. I’d take several 1 and 2 stars over Per Se. just not very memorable despite being very elegant.

  2. Fuckboy420yolo on

    If you can get the private dining (east room) the service and view is impeccable. I still love Per Se as a traditional dining experience.

  3. reformingindividual on

    I have heard alot of similar things about resteraunts that have had 3 stars for a while. Imagine the chef thomas keller is probably only there 15 days out of the year if that… The menus is going to stay french classical, the service is going to be good but not revolutionary. L’epicure, 3* Parisian across the pond.

  4. tedsgloriousmustache on

    We were there last Saturday. Was expecting less than we got based on all the ‘hate’ I’ve seen in this subreddit for per se, particularly their service and attitude.

    I do agree that they didn’t take any big swings in their dishes but I think maybe one of the 9 courses was less than ideal.

    And the service was pretty spot on. The only complaint I had about it is they didn’t fold my napkin when I went to the toilet.

    Really enjoyed working with the sommelier on a custom wine menu and though she did a great job tailoring the choices to our preferences but pushing the envelope a bit.

    This is our 4th Michelin this year and I’d put it at the top. We visited French Laundry in 2019 and while I thought per se was better my wife gave FL the nod.

    To me it’s expectations – I don’t think anyone is going to Keller’s 3 stars expecting adventurous dining… But what they do, they do very well.

  5. New-Acanthisitta3855 on

    Fine dining is in need of innovation. I remember the heyday of Wd-50, Alinea, French Laundry, etc. in the mid-00s. Molecular gastronomy blew my mind and was such a blast when it came out-but where are we now, almost 20 years later?

  6. Illustrious_Bar6439 on

    I would agree, resting on their laurels. I did like the sweet foie gras was amazing though. Service on the other hand…

  7. Yep – it’s good, but boring. We actually had terrible service as well. French Laundry had been on my list for a while, but is now not on my radar any longer. I’d rather go back to KOKS or Azurmendi or Geranium than check French Laundry off the list.

    This was the first meal where I started to doubt the stars. I had had a bad meal at Little Washington a couple of years prior, but just thought it was a bad night. After this meal I started to realize that there are the 3 stars that are out of this world, innovative, amazing, and then there are the 3 stars that are resting on their laurels and their chef’s name.

  8. Pristine-Listen-3363 on

    Yes and this was several years back. Wasn’t impressed. Had thought about giving it another try. Appreciate the review so that I don’t waste my time.

  9. Looks overpriced and unimaginative. We have some Per Se alum that opened a 1 star spot in our tiny town and I feel the same about what they serve.

  10. I went to Per Se in 2019, am from Denmark and live in Spain. To me Spain is 10x more interesting fine dining wise than almost anywhere else, there is a wave of Peruvian influence coming which is great, but a lot of places have been standing still.

    If Per Se was in Spain it would have 1-2 stars.

  11. They are still doing the salmon cone and oysters & pearls?

    Was that the sea bass too?


    Wow. I’d be kind of bummed. Same classic dishes from French Laundry ~ 15 years ago.

  12. secretreddname on

    I had fun at Per Se about two years ago? Although we went as a group of 4 and got royally drunk.

  13. It’s kind of funny calling Per Se uninspired, because they inspired like an entire generation of restaurants. I’ve never been, but from what I can tell they’re kind of handcuffed to the past because of their own popularity.

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