* Microalgae are tiny aquatic organisms that produce more than 50% of the oxygen in the earth’s atmosphere and provide nutrients to a wide range of marine life.
* Microalgae hold great promise as a sustainable protein source as they are low in demands for land, water, and resources, yet high in protein content.
* Microalgae boast a high protein content of up to 70% by dry weight, making them a rich source of plant-based protein.
* Microalgae have a fast growth rate, utilize fewer resources than traditional agriculture methods, and can be grown on non-arable land.
* The versatility of microalgae growth opens the door to new avenues of food production in places where traditional agriculture may prove unfeasible, making it a sustainable option for regions plagued by food insecurity.

Read more: [https://betterbioeconomy.substack.com/p/microalgae-is-the-sustainable-superfood](https://betterbioeconomy.substack.com/p/microalgae-is-the-sustainable-superfood)

by scienceforreal


  1. golfkartinacoma on

    Makes more sense, and does more than those factions trying to convince people to eat bugs.

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