Cheese fondue with roasted baby potatoes, broccoli, cauliflower, mushrooms, and bread.

by CaptainWisconsin


  1. CaptainWisconsin on

    Fondue recipe –

    For the veggies – I tossed everything in a bit of olive oil and sprinkled with salt and black pepper, then baked at 400 degrees – 30 minutes for the potatoes, 20 minutes for the broccoli an cauliflower, 10 minutes for the mushrooms. Start with the potatoes, then just keep adding the rest to the baking sheet/pan every 10 minutes. Super simple!

  2. Looks good! We always make cheese and chocolate fondue for New Year’s eve. Apples also taste good in a cheese fondue.

  3. Ya’ll remember “The Melting Pot” restaurant chain?

    They literally made an entire chain of restaurants where you’d boil some meat and veg, dip some bread in some cheese, dip some out-of-season strawberries in chocolate, and then charge you like $60 a head!

    Edit: Holy hell, they’re inexplicably still in business.

    Double Edit: OP’s dinner would cost $31.10 with tax and tip but excluding drinks at The Melting Pot.

  4. YUM. my SIL got me a fondue pot this past christmas, which I’ve only used twice… I now want to use it again immediately!

  5. I had no idea they even made new fondue pots. I don’t think I have ever seen one that wasn’t from the 1970’s.

  6. MissItalyBarbie on

    I love fondue. This post inspired me to go on Amazon to look for a fondue pot. This looks incredible 😋

  7. It looks amazing! Just ignore all the snobs saying fondue can only be cheese and bread! Geez, some people need to lighten up and not take life so seriously. Enjoy and be proud of what you made! 🙂

  8. Anything other than bread (maybe potatoes) in a cheese fondue is a sin. On behalf of the Swiss Confederation, I abhor this heresy

  9. I don’t get the hate from fellow Swiss people 🙁 i think it looks delicious! I‘ve only eaten fondue with bread and occasionally grapes, but I’ll definitely have to try it with mushrooms next time!

  10. As a Swiss I’d like to know where you live so I can eradicate any trace of this abomination of a Fondue 😛

  11. wtf are you doing with all these veggies? Real Swiss fondue is just cheese and bread and maybe some Cornichons if you really need some greens

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