Tickets by Albert Adria, Barcelona, 2018 (1*, #20 Worlds 50)

by brooklynite


  1. Tickets sadly closed in 2020 and left Enigma as the jewel in the Albert Adria empire. It remains one of my favorite meals I’ve ever had, delicious and comforting, exciting and traditional, full of theater. Being admitted to the dessert salon was a tremendous surprise which capped off a fantastic savory evening, highlighted by dish #1, the Nordic Landscape.

    An album of the full meal:

  2. Shame it closed. I was going to eat there before Covid but could make it. So long my friend!

  3. Im so sad we couldn’t get here. We tried twice, first time was during a Reno or holiday or something and the second it had just shut down. I couldn’t believe it.

  4. It looks amazing, very jealous – we tried to get reservations when we were in Barca around the same time but couldn’t, so ended up at Hoja Santa (now COME) instead, which was also absolutely phenomenal.

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