Attending an all day meeting at work

by KyleDComic


  1. Attended a team-building day away, ticked the “vegetarian” box. Got there, lunch was hot dogs. Vegetarian option: chicken hot dogs.

    Posh catered out of town conference a few months later was a slight improvement: dry pita halves with cucumber slices and a leaf of lettuce. By the time I got to it, there was only one left, naturally.

    That was 20 years ago, though, and I’d hoped things had improved by now?

  2. Company provided pizza because there was road construction all day and it made leaving difficult. They got 5 extra large pepperoni pizzas. Good thing I and the muslim guy brought our own lunches…

  3. deterministic_lynx on


    If anyone would keep me on site for fried chicken , I’d be pretty pissed, as someone who does eat meat.

    That’s … Lunch that I can chose, but don’t appreciate to be chosen for me.

  4. meditation_account on

    I hate it when non vegetarians eat the vegetarian option like a boxed lunch and then there is nothing left for me.

  5. DrPhilsnerPilsner on

    I worked in Boulder at a metal fabrication shop. We Boulder brands was a client and they operate Gardein, Evol., Earth Balance, and such. I was so excited as I was the only vegetarian at the shop and they needed work done again at both locations. My boss went on about how they always try to offer free products and all of that which they never want. I didn’t realize they had been bought out by Pinnacle foods and had all new staff. By the time months go by and it’s time to do the install of some signage, no one knows anything about the products and they catered some local burrito place that had no veggie options.

    They had an entire employee kitchen an everything. Such a disappointment.

  6. So when big corporate decides, it’s always shit options/no options.

    But when my old manager decides, she checks with the entire team (even when we had meetings of up to 100 people) what dietary choices/food restrictions they have and orders a good amount of each option and makes it clear what groups the different options are for.

    Corporate should be like my old manager.

  7. My workplace is so behind that vegetarianism is still the diet that gets joked about, they haven’t even noticed vegans yet

  8. Pointlessname123321 on

    I’m a teacher, we have collaborations every Wednesday. I just eat beforehand while everyone eats their breakfast burritos

  9. No_Masterpiece6568 on

    I once went to an all day job interview during which they ordered all meat sandwiches. They seemed genuinely miffed that I refused to pick the meat off a sandwich and eat it. Needless to say, when they offered me a job I turned it down.

  10. paintedfingertips on

    or the catering company’s only meatless option is “garden wrap” of lettuce with the odd carrot shaving sopping in vinaigrette

  11. I’ve definitely worked at places that never offered veggie options and it sucks so much to be excluded after you have informed them of your dietary needs. I’m so thankful I work for a company now that is so caring of their employees needs during our company offsite trips (I’m full time remote so no office meals) — we have quite a few vegetarians and vegans at our company and everyone is full & happy during the meals we have on company trips.

  12. Nevermind the non-veg aspect of that, how the hell do they expect people to **stay awake** to even *do* work after fried chicken for lunch?

  13. For real everytime work gives me food it’s unhealthy AF. Like some of us have food insecurity but also don’t want to eat a whole box of donuts just cause it’s the only free food we can find that day.

  14. enemy_of_your_enema on

    There’s just a whole culture of people out there who are totally comfortable ordering food for a large group of people without considering whether anyone has religious food restrictions, food allergies, or ethical dietary restrictions.

    I get that the latter two are more widespread these days than they used to be, but isn’t it basic, Emily-Post-level common decency to consider who is eating before you order food?

  15. Just rip the breading off and eat that. 😊 Seriously though I’ve had this happen to me several times, although I’m not a full vegetarian just try to eat healthy by skipping meat most of the time.

  16. xgorgeoustormx on

    Literally not a SINGLE item was vegetarian at my out of town work Christmas party, where we had 0 per diem for meals. Pointless meat in the usually vegetarian options (potatoes and salad), and even the dessert!!

  17. Slight-Beach-4641 on

    It’s so hard to be vegetarian and be a kid cuz my family is a big time meat eater so I will be like mom what’s for dinner mom: chicken Alfredo

  18. Would also be helpful if they could *ask* for dietary needs before ordering.

    I can’t eat tomatoes or onions due to GERD. So pizza is out most times unless I special order it.

  19. Not a vegetarian yet, moving towards that but I have cut of beef and pork completely so far. Weekly long training recently and the options were: meat lovers or pepperoni pizza (cheese pizza was gone before I got to pick), chicken fried steak with mashed potatoes, burgers and bbq. No healthy options at all

  20. My husband’s a vegan, and also gets wined and dined at work by people trying to impress him…you’d think they’d learn and NOT take him to a Brazilian steakhouse!!!

  21. probably_around on

    my school doesn’t provide many vegetarian options and when i complained i was told there were salads available. 1. i don’t want to eat salads EVERY day 2. the salads have meat on them anyways

  22. If you haven’t asked them to provide a vegetarian option, do that. If you have and they didn’t, bring your own. If you don’t want them to know you are a vegetarian, bring your own. Ezpz. The meme isn’t good and you’re an adult. If your job requires you to go to meetings, you make enough money.

  23. I’m retired now, but oh yeah the “we’re going to provide lunch today” crap. I’ve got stories, so much cringe… When it was pizza, they’d order six pizzas and just one would be vegetarian, and if I didn’t get a piece right away, the meat eaters would eat it all, then tell me I could just pick the meat off the meat pizza. They thought it was funny. I didn’t.

  24. malevolentmalleolus on

    i’ve experienced this , “I’ve seen you eat meat, when I saw you ordered a vegetarian meal, I figured it was a mistake and fixed it for you.”

    Thank you for making me feel self conscious about trying to improve my eating habits.

  25. Steady_Now_Lady on

    That happened at our most recent company event. They said they had vegetarian options. They had mini bags of chips and candy. So while everyone around me was enjoying a full meal of a sandwich and chips I ate two mini bags of Doritos and fun size skittles.

  26. december14th2015 on

    They do this at my work every Saturday and it’s SO frustrating. I always just take a lunch anyways.

  27. Certain fields seem to have more vegetarian/vegans. I became a therapist later in life and hot damn! Suddenly, I was in the land of veggies and vegans. Potluck and work lunches improved dramatically. I was never forgotten or an afterthought again.

  28. Yup, and yesterday one of my peers was hauled off in a meat wagon. An hour later we got word he was being transferred to a bigger hospital to get his chest cracked open. And everyone just glared at me like it was my fault.

  29. Stuff like this makes me so greatful my boss is respectful of me being vegetarian. He always makes sure to order something i can eat when he gets lunch for everyone.

  30. PeaceBeginsInside on

    The company I work for has always been decent enough to order plenty of cheese pizzas for work lunches, but I never eat them because I am too afraid the cheese has rennet. 😕

  31. Eat a nice breakfast in the morning, bring a chunk of French bread and a banana for snacking until the end of the day

  32. We went to my BIL wedding and my husband, son and myself are vegetarian which is very well known by his family as they enjoy making fun of us for it. Anyway- we asked what dinner would be so we could eat before if necessary, “BBQ but there will be vegetarian options, too”. The options…corn and bread. Salad had bacon, Mac n cheese had bacon, green beans had ham.

    At Thanksgiving 2 years ago my mom made stuffing- with chicken stock, green beans with ham, Mac n cheese with parmesan. She just laughed it off like it was hilarious we wouldn’t eat her food loaded with meat.

    It’s just disrespectful and annoying the total disregard people have for vegetarian ls.

  33. missdanielleyy on

    I always tell them I’m vegetarian beforehand. We had pizza today and there would have only been meat options. Instead, they got me my own 🙂

  34. The worst things are when they don’t order veggie pizza, when other people eat all of the veggie pizza knowing there’s a vegetarian there, and the absolute most annoying…when they say “oh there’ll be salad”

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