it’s music to my ears when a guy i’m dating is accepting and interested in vegetarian food!

by -pikajew


  1. Great! I hope you guys have a good one!

    I know the feeling I loved that my now girlfriend didn’t mind trying to be vegetarian with me 🙂

  2. meditation_account on

    One of my ex boyfriends would always order vegetarian food when we went out to eat together. I always thought that was nice that he didn’t want to eat meat in front of me even though I would have been okay with it. After a while he liked it because he got to try food he normally wouldn’t eat otherwise.

  3. short-and-ugly on

    That’s awesome. My gf stopped eating meat after we dated for a bit but accepting men can be a bit harder to come by in my experience

  4. My wife became vegetarian a year ago. They Quorn chicken stuff isn’t actually bad! Richmond do sausages that are pretty much indistinguishable from real ones too. I don’t see why one person being vegetarian should impact another but there will always be idiots out there.

  5. strawberry-phd on

    This is very sweet but it always makes me laugh. A family member wanted to take me and my partner for dinner over the holidays, but couldnt find any decent vegetarian restaurants so instead gave us “go out to eat at a nice restaurant money”. We were super grateful, but at least where i live in washington, you can find vegetarian food at most restaurants, aside from bbq places. There are dedicated vegan spots, but i dont need to go to one to be happy. Its very sweet to be considered though.

  6. I once went out with a guy on a first date to a pizza place—guy decided to order for us. Low and behold he orders a Hawaiian pizza. I tried to protest, but he stopped me mid sentence and claimed everyone needs to stop hating on Hawaiian pizza and just try it for once. Pizza comes out and he starts wolfing it down, telling me to have some and I finally say I don’t eat meat, so no thank you. He just glared at me and kept eating. I didn’t even eat dinner until I got home! Safe to say I never contacted him again lol. I’m glad someone is taking initiative to make you feel included in your dietary preferences!

  7. Thats great ! When I first met my boyfriend I thought we’d clash on food since he goes to the gym a lot and takes care of his diet and proteins and stuff… turns out he drastically cut meat me years ago, never eats it or buys it at home and only eats some at his parents’ or restaurant, and not alway. And he’s considering becoming full vegetarian !

  8. Can’t go wrong with mexican, most every Mexican place has non “wierd” vegetarian/ vegan options, or their food can easily be modified to be so.

  9. kaylikesalatte on

    My boyfriend eats meat but 90% of the time we eat vegetarian when we’re together. It’s really endearing to me that he goes out of his way to seek veggie dishes so that we can share things 🥹 plus it makes things so much less complicated

  10. CraftsWithCats on

    I still remember a date in college where he told me it was okay if I wanted to order the expensive steak, and I replied that it was kind of him to offer but that I am a vegetarian. He responded, and I quote, “well, that’s just because you haven’t had one of *MY* steaks yet.

    There was not a second date.

  11. That’s a good sign 😊. Thirteen years ago, a guy from work asked me to meet him at a coffee shop. We talked for hours and he found out I’m vegetarian. He decided from that point on to never eat meat in front of me. He ordered only veg food when we went out together. Been married 10 years now and though he still eats meat 3-4x a year when he’s out with friends, he’s vegetarian the rest of the time. We’ve never had meat in our home and he never wanted to raise our kids as anything other than vegetarian. I never even had to bring it up! I feel pretty blessed to have found someone so supportive so early in life.

  12. My boyfriend isn’t a vegetarian but is so respectful of my diet!! He looks up recipe options and is totally game to make and eat vegetarian meals with me! So sweet!!

  13. My husband is veg, I am not. Tofu is a regular food item in our house. There are toooooons of veggie options that I choose over meat any day, because imo a lot of vegetarian alternatives are better than the meat version. I’d eat the quinoa cowboy burger patty from Trader Joe’s over ground beef any day. People just need to give it a chance. They hear “vegetarian” or “meat alternative” and are instantly turned off. Glad you found someone who is open minded like that.

  14. My partner converted to vegetarianism after we started dating because they didn’t miss meat & enjoyed all the food we ate together 💖 married last October

  15. This is so lovely! I went on a date last year where the guy was so rude about me being vegetarian and kept interrogating me about what I eat, and don’t I ever miss the taste of juicy steak? The crazy thing was I hadn’t said anything about him eating meat!

  16. NoSoulGinger116 on

    First date; find out the person I’m talking too is vegetarian, I’ll pick a vegan restaurant. So we can safely eat everything on the menu

  17. I’m pescetarian, not vegetarian, but when I first started dating my now husband, he was pretty ok with it. To be fair, we were so young, I don’t think he expected to be stuck with me forever. I don’t really like cooking, and my husband loves it, so, even though he’s a carnivore, hes become an absolute expert at vegan and vegetarian dishes.

  18. I’m always happy when I find someone to share a meal with. More people are thinking about the meat they consume, even if they’re taking small steps. It’s not uncommon to find Indian or Chinese joints where a big portion of the menu is vegetarian.

  19. Hooray! So nice for someone to be so easygoing and gracious.

    When I was on the apps, I always struggled with disclosing my diet or not. Still not sure which I’d choose. (Edit to add: I’m lucky to have lived in places where virtually any restaurant I go to on a first date would have *something* for me.)

    “I probably wouldn’t have swiped right on you if I knew you were vegan.”
    – my S.O , who I met through friends, talking about whether we’d match in an app. Sigh.

  20. Must be nice. For some reason that’s been a deal breaker for women I’ve dated. Probably for the best though lol

  21. Shitty_Fat-tits on

    The amount of Tinder users smiling over dead animals and twisting their heads toward the camera is TOO DAMN HIGH!

  22. Finally got my husband on board and it’s so nice to not have to sacrifice or have extra work of meal prep.

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