First time drying two duck breasts in a wine cooler. Have temperature at 53F and humidity fluctuating between 65-70RH.

I was aiming for 30% weight loss over three weeks or so but the latest weigh in was disappointing as the weight loss seems to have stalled. Could it be case hardening and that the inside of the meat isn’t losing moisture?

by Vercingetrix


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  2. RH is too low. You could be dealing with case hardening but there’s no way for us in internet land to know.

  3. charcuteriepix on

    I’d up both the temp to 58F and humidity to 80% RH and let it ride. After the thickest part of the duck breast is firm, vacuum seal it for a month.

  4. Haggis_The_Barbarian on

    Ha! I didn’t see which sub this was. I was thinking: “Maybe cut back on the prosciutto if your weight loss is not going well…”

  5. Weight loss happens on a curve. A lot at first, then it slows down. Your humidity is low. Try to get it around 75%.

  6. snacksAttackBack on

    I thought you were posting in a weight loss group and came to make the joke that it’s obviously the duck prosciutto that’s causing your plateau.

    Good luck! it sounds delicious

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