Quintonil. Mexico City. 2023

by alpaca1331


  1. Interesting. I went to both Quintonil and Pujol in 2018. IMO, Quintonil was the way better meal. I was with a group and we were all disappointed with Pujol.

    Sad to hear Quintonil has maybe gone down hill. I truly had a superb experience there.

  2. Was a few months ago at Quintonil and Pujol and enjoyed Pujol much more. I left a few courses unfinished at Quintonil.
    But each his own..

  3. Was not a fan of Quintonil at all. Felt like a Kirkland version of a Michelin restaurant.

  4. Been to both Pujol and Quintonil although that was about 7 years ago. Both really good but not life-changing. I preferred Quintonil.

  5. Interesting, we found quintonil good and pujol super underwhelming. With that being said, by the time we finished the menu we were so so full. Really leans into heavy flavours at least when we were there in november.

  6. https://imgur.com/a/BAwoI9Z

    I’m missing the taco placero and the Jerusalem artichoke in the photos (I took a video of them).

    The menu is in Spanish. I will just list some ingredients of each course in English.

    1. Tlayuda is a handmade dish in traditional Oaxacan cuisine, it has chapulin (some grasshopper species) chili powder.
    2. Cantaloupe with tomato and horchata (Traditional drink based on rice).
    3. Crab with pipian (green sauce from pumpkin seeds and chili)
    4. Taco placero (not in the photos). Here you prepare your tacos with cheese, mushrooms, jumiles (small bugs), ant sausage…
    5. Lobina (Bass).
    6. Beef Chuck
    7. Nopal ice cream (Search for Nopal). I think is called prickly pear, but I’ve also heard people that call them cactus 😐
    8. Creme Fraiche with caviar.
    9. Jerusalem artichoke, apple, and ice cream.

  7. Jolly-Truth-557 on

    Maximo Bistrot > Pujol > Quintonil imo. Contramar is as enjoyable as Maximo but not fine dining per se.

  8. I very much enjoyed the food at Quintonil (also liked Pujol) but the ambiance of the restaurant was horrible. Bad lighting, odd layout, dated looking furnishings.

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