This is a review of Jordnær from my last visit about a month ago. Today, Restaurant Jordnær finally and deservingly were awarded their 3rd Michelin star at the awards in Helsinki.

As some of you may know, Restaurant Jordnær run by husband and wife Erik and Tina Vildgaard, is my favorite restaurant in the whole world.

Located in an unassuming location, inside the non spectacular 3 starred Gentofte Hotel in the outskirts of Copenhagen, is the creative studio of star Chef Erik Vildgaard.

The name might sound familiar to some, as his brother @Thorsten Vildgaard was once a head chef a noma and now heading up super star chef Björn Frantzens Dubai location. The brothers themselves grew up just 15 minutes away from Jordnær, in the far less mundane Tingbjerg – an area known for its blue collar workers and crime ridden streets.

When asked why the chose their current location, and not something more central and hip, for instance near Kongens Nytorv, Chef Vildgaards answer is simple: “I rather spend our money on the best ingredients for our guests, than pay and expensive rent somewhere more fancy”.

Erik and Tina’s motto is “only the best for our guests” and this statement testifies to their mission. Because at Jordnær, guests are treated like royalty and served up the most decadent ingredients.

From Beluga caviar to freshly caught langoustine which chef Vildgaard has picked up himself at 5 AM in Sweden, quality is the name of the game.

Dishes here are characterized by 3 things: quality, simplicity and a unique Asian/Nordic twist with a seafood focus.

While I usually speak of standout dishes, this is more difficult at Jordnær. Not because there are not standouts, but rather because almost everything stands out. However, a few of my favorite courses which I hope will always pride the menu are:

fjordshrimp waffel crusade with a boat load of herbs and topped with caviar (my all time favorite bite)
Tuna tartlet with caviar
Grillet Langoustine – Yuzu Kosho – sea buckthorn

Here the menu only focuses seafood, and Chef Vildgaards ability to turn quality ingredients into Picasso-esque masterpieces is unparalleled.

Lastly, and not to be forgotten is his wife and life companion Tina, who I am sure Erik will say is the driving force behind their success. Besides juggling between running one of the best restaurants in the world, Tina and Erik also have 6 children. Perhaps it is this which helps her navigate the labyrinth of perfekt service. It seems as though Tina has an eye on every finger, caring about every guest and predicting their needs before they even exist. Tina epitomizes customer service and together with her husband, they have been able to create what in my eyes is the best restaurant in the world.

The Danish Connoisseur

by KanyeHefner

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