I rarely post things on reddit but I literally went yesterday, and when I said I had a good experience people just talk shit at me lol and someone even took his sweet time to id who I am😂 so im gonna just write my experience entirely under fine dining.

My favorite courses were the ebi shrimp – they are sweet and creamy, just delicious. I thought maybe I can make those courses at home, but then I learned if you are a regular consumer, it costs 100$ for 2lbs and shipping is 40$, because the shrimp lives 2000 ft deep water in Hawaii. 🙃

Anyways, all the courses I had were well balanced. Im a great home cook, seriously, so I know my flavor bible. I was full at the end (and people talk crap on this when I said I was full🤷) I also really enjoyed the wine pairings. I think they’ve done a great job explaining the stories behind each wine, the winery, and even soil. (Only Oriole in Chicago so far does this detailed explanation). I was done after 6 glasses (but I’m biased here because I’m a light drinker)

I also love the pacing at Feld, the entire experience was 2 and half hours. It was about 3 hours at Smyth and under 2 hours at Oriole. I was also super impressed by how much personal touch and small details they had with lots of customized items

However, I do think there are some room to improve on: the wobbling table was really annoying. This needs to be fixed asap. Also, I think the plates are a bit too large for some of the courses, so it looks off balanced with the portioning, but it’s also because I went solo. Also, maybe add a donabe rice course under main so people with bigger appetite can be satisfied. I also think ppl can be not happy without some luxury ingredients.

I personally really enjoyed the experience. If you are into fine dining, you will find Feld really interesting place in the U.S. Also, all my restaurant writings are on xhs in Chinese so you can find me there too 🙂

by yujit


  1. I’m glad you enjoyed it, but the plating is still hideous in your pictures. Everything is just so unappetizing for the level of restaurant they want to be.

  2. tattoosydney on

    I can’t get past the small hunk of almost raw meat with a tiny grilled pepper and a halved cherry just plonked on a big plate.

    Or the five berries on some shaved ice.

  3. ThreatOfFire on

    If they want the plating to look organic/natural/random why not incorporate actual organic elements to house much smaller plates with the actual food? I get trying to stick with the namesake, but eh

  4. Firm_Interaction_816 on

    I’m glad you enjoyed it but visually it’s embarrassing. As you have pointed out, if this is the approach they’re going for (poor idea imo, 30 or so micro dishes that are that basic and often have only one element would be a chore for me, but here we are) then they seriously need to rethink the plating. 

    That shitake mushroom looks like a snack that someone has accidentally dropped onto a plate at a house party. ‘Thyme granita’…how very appealing.

    This place is young so it can turn things around but they seriously need to reconsider both what they’re putting on plates and how they’re doing it. 

  5. Screechscreamyellahh on

    So I counted 28 bites, over 150 minutes. That’s a bite every 5 min and to be honest I’d reckon I’d be completely bored.

    Glad you had a good time but looks like what people pretend to do to make fun of fine dining degustation tastings

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